As a founding member and cellist of the New England String Quartet, Ms. Lin performs extensively in Boston and the New England area, and provides chamber music coaching at Harvard University's Dudley House where the Quartet is recently appointed Ensemble-In-Residence. Supported by The Foundation for the Advancement of String Education, the quartet’s past educational activities include hands-on chamber music work and performances together with music students. NESQ has made numerous debut recordings of contemporary works on the PARMA label, including works by Alan Beeler, Michael Cunningham, Sarah Wallin-Huff, Larry Read, Kyle Peter Rotolo, Chistopher Dietz and more.
Ms. Lin also performs with Vermont Symphony Orchestra, Boston Modern Orchestra Project, Symphony Nova, and Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra, and collaborates with a wide array of ensembles and musicians, such as distinguished musicians Samuel Rhodes and Hiroko Yajima; orchestral members of the Silk Road Project; two-time Oscar nominee and a Grammy winner Alan Silvestri; and D.J. Premiere, Hip-Hop's greatest producer of all times according to Rolling Stone.
A native of Taiwan, Ms. Lin completed her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Boston University (2013), and received degrees from Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University (GPD, 07; MM, 05) and the Taipei National University of the Arts (BM, 03). She is a former faculty for the non-major cello lessons at Boston University, and has joined the faculty of the Preparatory School at the New England Conservatory. She has also been the sectional coach for the BU All Campus Orchestra and the Brandeis-Wellesley Orchestra. Ms. Lin has served as a chamber coach in The Young People's String Orchestra (YPSO) under the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra since 2010, and in the Burnside Music Festival (2011 & 12). Ms. Lin is also an instructor of the cello performance class at the Brookline Adult& Community program through the Brookline High School. Her major teachers include Leslie Parnas, Amit Peled, Chu-Chuan Liu, and Victor Shipiller. She has performed in solo master classes for Yo-Yo Ma, Richard Aaron, Natasha Brofsky, Yvan Chiffoleau, Steven Pologe, M. Shepps, Alan Stapansky and has been coached by the Tokyo Quartet, Peabody Trio, Muir String Quartet, and the Audubon Quartet.
林明慧在現代音樂的舞臺上也相當活躍: 2006年演出作曲家 Pamela Chen的作品“春蠶”, 與馬友友“絲路”系列錄音的國樂音樂家一同合作,並接受名作曲家盛宗亮的指導; 2007年受邀在作曲家 Samuel Burt& C.R. Kasprzyk 美東巡迴音樂會系列上演出; 2008年成為波士頓現代樂團正式成員, 並為該唱片公司錄製多張CD。林明慧除首演許多當代獨奏作品外,也曾與樂團協奏演出。在樂團演出方面,2007年獲選為巴爾地摩交響樂團交流音樂會團員,期間林明慧並擔任琵琶第指揮樂團之大提琴首席。2008年林明慧在波士頓大學管絃樂團紐約市音樂廳的巡迴音樂節中擔任首席;五月並受邀參與美國佛蒙特州州立交響樂團的演出。
林明慧為新英格蘭絃樂四重奏之創團團員,該團創立於2007年,由四位來自不同國家的樂壇新秀組成,屢次受邀演出並廣受好評與喜愛,並在2012年受邀成為哈佛大學駐校音樂家。2011、2012連續兩年在波士頓網A-List獲觀眾票選為最受歡迎的音樂團體前五名,其日本賑災祈福音樂會更被新英格蘭區最大報紙<波士頓環球報>列為當日之選-不可錯過的音樂會。2011年受邀至波士頓美術館,於哈佛商學院校友會二十五週年慶祝音樂會中演出。新英格蘭絃樂四重奏致力於提供卓越的音樂品質,其曲目以及風格涵蓋甚廣; 除不限形式參與其他藝術家的演出邀約外,也積極推廣、涉略不同種類的現代音樂,並舉辦作曲比賽以鼓勵作曲家為絃樂四重奏創作。
四重奏成員於2011年受邀於波士頓交響樂團演奏廳,與<阿甘正傳>、<回到未來>等知名電影之配樂作曲家Alan Silvestri同台演出;同年年底並於WGBH廣播電台錄音室,參與DJ Premier音樂紀錄片
林明慧曾多次獲選在大師班上演奏,包括著名大提琴家馬友友、Richard Aaron、 Natasha Brofsky、Yvan Chiffoleau、Walter Nothas、Steven Pologe、M. Shepps、Alan Stapansky、東京弦樂四重奏、米爾(Muir)弦樂四重奏,琵琶第鋼琴三重奏等。